CAM (Content Addressable Memory) units are generally designed so that they can be applied to variety of application programs. However, if a particular application runs on CAM units, some functions in CAM units may be often used and other functions may never be used. We consider that appropriate design for CAM units is required depending on the requirements for a given application program. This paper proposes a CAM processor synthesis system based on behavioral descriptions. The input of the system is an application program written in C including CAM functions, and its output is hardware descriptions of a synthesized processor and a binary code executed on it. Since the system determines functions in CAM units and synthesizes a CAM processor depending on the requirements of an application program, we expect that a synthesized CAM processor can execute the application program with small processor area and delay. Experimental results demonstrate its efficiency and effectiveness.
In this paper, we propose a floorplan aware high-level synthesis algorithm with body biasing for delay variation compensation, which minimizes the average leakage energy of manufactured chips. In order to realize floorplan-aware high-level synthesis, we utilize huddle-based distributed register architecture (HDR architecture). HDR architecture divides the chip area into small partitions called a huddle and we can control a body bias voltage for every huddle. During high-level synthesis, we iteratively obtain expected leakage energy for every huddle when applying a body bias voltage. A huddle with smaller expected leakage energy contributes to reducing expected leakage energy of the entire circuit more but can increase the latency. We assign control-data flow graph (CDFG) nodes in non-critical paths to the huddles with larger expected leakage energy and those in critical paths to the huddles with smaller expected leakage energy. We expect to minimize the entire leakage energy in a manufactured chip without increasing its latency. Experimental results show that our algorithm reduces the average leakage energy by up to 39.7% without latency and yield degradation compared with typical-case design with body biasing.
In this paper, we propose a reconfigurable adaptive FEC system. In adaptive FEC schemes, the error correction capability t is changed dynamically according to the communication channel condition. If a particular error correction capability t is given, we can implement an FEC decoder which is optimal for t by taking the number of operations into consideration. Thus, reconfiguring the optimal FEC decoder dynamically for each error correction capability allows us to maximize the throughput of each decoder within a limited hardware resource. Based on this concept, our reconfigurable adaptive FEC system can reduce the packet dropping rate more efficiently than conventional fixed hardware systems. We can improve data transmission throughput for a reliable transport protocol. Practical simulation results are also shown.
Trivium is a synchronous stream cipher using three shift registers. It is designed to have a simple structure and runs at high speed. A scan-based side-channel attack retrieves secret information using scan chains, one of design-for-test techniques. In this paper, a scan-based side-channel attack method against Trivium using scan signatures is proposed. In our method, we reconstruct a previous internal state in Trivium one by one from the internal state just when a ciphertext is generated. When we retrieve the internal state, we focus on a particular 1-bit position in a collection of scan chains and then we can attack Trivium even if the scan chain includes other registers than internal state registers in Trivium. Experimental results show that our proposed method successfully retrieves a plaintext from a ciphertext generated by Trivium.
Shinnosuke YOSHIDA Youhua SHI Masao YANAGISAWA Nozomu TOGAWA
As process technologies advance, timing-error correction techniques have become important as well. A suspicious timing-error prediction (STEP) technique has been proposed recently, which predicts timing errors by monitoring the middle points, or check points of several speed-paths in a circuit. However, if we insert STEP circuits (STEPCs) in the middle points of all the paths from primary inputs to primary outputs, we need many STEPCs and thus require too much area overhead. How to determine these check points is very important. In this paper, we propose an effective STEPC insertion algorithm minimizing area overhead. Our proposed algorithm moves the STEPC insertion positions to minimize inserted STEPC counts. We apply a max-flow and min-cut approach to determine the optimal positions of inserted STEPCs and reduce the required number of STEPCs to 1/10-1/80 and their area to 1/5-1/8 compared with a naive algorithm. Furthermore, our algorithm realizes 1.12X-1.5X overclocking compared with just inserting STEPCs into several speed-paths.
Scan-based side channel attack on hardware implementations of cryptographic algorithms has shown its great security threat. Unlike existing scan-based attacks, in our work we observed that instead of the secret-related-registers, some non-secret registers also carry the potential of being misused to help a hacker to retrieve secret keys. In this paper, we first present a scan-based side channel attack method on AES by making use of the round counter registers, which are not paid attention to in previous works, to show the potential security threat in designs with scan chains. And then we discussed the issues of secure DFT requirements and proposed a secure scan scheme to preserve all the advantages and simplicities of traditional scan test, while significantly improve the security with ignorable design overhead, for crypto hardware implementations.
Shin-ya ABE Youhua SHI Kimiyoshi USAMI Masao YANAGISAWA Nozomu TOGAWA
In this paper, we propose an adaptive voltage huddle-based distributed-register architecture (AVHDR architecture), which integrates dynamic multiple supply voltages and interconnection delay into high-level synthesis. In AVHDR architecture, voltages can be dynamically assigned for energy reduction. In other words, low supply voltages are assigned to non-critical operations, and leakage power is cut off by turning off the power supply to the sleeping functional units. Next, an AVHDR-based high-level synthesis algorithm is proposed. Our algorithm is based on iterative improvement of scheduling/binding and floorplanning. In the iteration process, the modules in each huddle can be placed close to each other and the corresponding AVHDR architecture can be generated and optimized with floorplanning information. Experimental results show that on average our algorithm achieves 43.9% energy-saving compared with conventional algorithms.
LED (Light Encryption Device) block cipher, one of lightweight block ciphers, is very compact in hardware. Its encryption process is composed of AES-like rounds. Recently, a scan-based side-channel attack is reported which retrieves the secret information inside the cryptosystem utilizing scan chains, one of design-for-test techniques. In this paper, a scan-based attack method on the LED block cipher using scan signatures is proposed. In our proposed method, we focus on a particular 16-bit position in scanned data obtained from an LED LSI chip and retrieve its secret key using scan signatures. Experimental results show that our proposed method successfully retrieves its 64-bit secret key using 36 plaintexts on average if the scan chain is only connected to the LED block cipher. These experimental results also show the key is successfully retrieved even if the scan chain includes additional 130,000 1-bit data.
As seen in stream data processing, it is necessary to extract a particular data field from bulk data, where we can use a field-data extractor. Particularly, an (M,N)-field-data extractor reads out any consecutive N bytes from an M-byte register by connecting its input/output using multiplexers (MUXs). However, the number of required MUXs increases too much as the input/output byte widths increase. It is known that partitioning a MUX network leads to reducing the number of MUXs. In this paper, we firstly pick up a multi-layered MUX network, which is generated by repeatedly partitioning a MUX network into a collection of single-layered MUX networks. We show that the multi-layered MUX network is equivalent to the barrel shifter from which redundant MUXs and wires are removed, and we prove that the number of required MUXs becomes the smallest among MUX-network-partitioning based field-data extractors. Next, we propose a rotator-based MUX network for a field-data extractor, which is based on reading out a particular data in an input register to a rotator. The byte width of the rotator is the same as its output register and hence we no longer require any extra wires nor MUXs. By rotating the input data appropriately, we can finally have a right-ordered data into an output register. Experimental results show that a multi-layered MUX network reduces the number of required gates to construct a field-data extractor by up to 97.0% compared with the one using a naive approach and its delay becomes 1.8ns-2.3ns. A rotator-based MUX network with a control circuit also reduces the number of required gates to construct a field-data extractor by up to 97.3% compared with the one using a naive approach and its delay becomes 2.1ns-2.9ns.
This paper presents a novel X-handling technique, which removes the effect of unknowns on compacted test response with maximal compaction ratio. The proposed method combines with the current X-tolerant compactors and inserts masking cells on scan paths to selectively mask X's. By doing this, the number of unknown responses in each scan-out cycle could be reduced to a reasonable level such that the target X-tolerant compactor would tolerate with guaranteed possible error detection. It guarantees no test loss due to the effect of X's, and achieves the maximal compaction that the target response compactor could provide as well. Moreover, because the masking cells are only inserted on the scan paths, it has no performance degradation of the designs. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Test data volume and power consumption for scan-based designs are two major concerns in system-on-a-chip testing. However, test set compaction by filling the don't-cares will invariably increase the scan-in power dissipation for scan testing, then the goals of test data reduction and low-power scan testing appear to be conflicted. Therefore, in this paper we present a selective scan chain reconfiguration method for test data compression and scan-in power reduction. The proposed method analyzes the compatibility of the internal scan cells for a given test set and then divides the scan cells into compatible classes. After the scan chain reconfiguration a dictionary is built to indicate the run-length of each compatible class and only the scan-in data for each class should be transferred from the ATE to the CUT so as to reduce test data volume. Experimental results for the larger ISCAS'89 benchmarks show that the proposed approach overcomes the limitations of traditional run-length coding techniques, and leads to highly reduced test data volume with significant power savings during scan testing in all cases.
At high-level synthesis for system VLSIs, their power consumption is efficiently reduced by applying gated clocks to them. Since using gated clocks causes the reduction of power consumption and the increase of area/delay, estimating trade-off between power and area/delay by applying gated clocks is very important. In this paper, we discuss the amount of variance of area, delay and power by applying gated clocks. We propose a simple gate-level circuit model and estimation equations. We vary parameters in our proposed circuit model, and evaluate power consumption by back-annotating gate-level simulation results to the original circuit. This paper also proposes a conditional expression for applying gated clocks. The expression shows whether or not we can reduce power consumption by applying gated clocks. We confirm the accuracy of proposed estimation equations by experiments.
Recently, multi-core processors are used in embedded systems very often. Since application programs is much limited running on embedded systems, there must exists an optimal cache memory configuration in terms of power and area. Simulating application programs on various cache configurations is one of the best options to determine the optimal one. Multi-core cache configuration simulation, however, is much more complicated and takes much more time than single-core cache configuration simulation. In this paper, we propose a very fast dual-core L1 cache configuration simulation algorithm. We first propose a new data structure where just a single data structure represents two or more multi-core cache configurations with different cache associativities. After that, we propose a new multi-core cache configuration simulation algorithm using our new data structure associated with new theorems. Experimental results demonstrate that our algorithm obtains exact simulation results but runs 20 times faster than a conventional approach.
Scan-based side-channel attacks retrieve a secret key in a cryptography circuit by analyzing scanned data. Since they must be considerable threats to a cryptosystem LSI, we have to protect cryptography circuits from them. RSA is one of the most important cryptography algorithms because it effectively realizes a public-key cryptography system. RSA is extensively used but conventional scan-based side-channel attacks cannot be applied to it because it has a complicated algorithm. This paper proposes a scan-based side-channel attack which enables us to retrieve a secret key in an RSA circuit. The proposed method is based on detecting intermediate values calculated in an RSA circuit. We focus on a 1-bit time-sequence which is specific to some intermediate values. By monitoring the 1-bit time-sequence in the scan path, we can find out the register position specific to the intermediate value and we can know whether this intermediate value is calculated or not in the target RSA circuit. We can retrieve a secret key one-bit by one-bit from MSB to LSB. The experimental results demonstrate that a 1,024-bit secret key used in the target RSA circuit can be retrieved using 30.2 input messages within 98.3 seconds and its 2,048-bit secret key can be retrieved using 34.4 input within 634.0 seconds.
In this paper, we present a test data compression technique to reduce test data volume for multiscan-based designs. In our method the internal scan chains are divided into equal sized groups and two dictionaries were build to encode either an entire slice or a subset of the slice. Depending on the codeword, the decompressor may load all scan chains or may load only a group of the scan chains, which can enhance the effectiveness of dictionary-based compression. In contrast to previous dictionary coding techniques, even for the CUT with a large number of scan chains, the proposed approach can achieve satisfied reduction in test data volume with a reasonable smaller dictionary. Experimental results showed the proposed test scheme works particularly well for the large ISCAS'89 benchmarks.
With process technology scaling, a heat problem in ICs is becoming a serious issue. Since high temperature adversely impacts on reliability, design costs, and leakage power, it is necessary to incorporate thermal-aware synthesis into IC design flows. In particular, hot spots are serious concerns where a chip is locally too much heated and reducing the peak temperature inside a chip is very important. On the other hand, increasing the average interconnect delays is also becoming a serious issue. By using RDR architectures (Regular-Distributed-Register architectures), the interconnect delays can be easily estimated and their influence can be much reduced even in high-level synthesis. In this paper, we propose a thermal-aware high-level synthesis algorithm for RDR architectures. The RDR architecture divides the entire chip into islands and each island has uniform area. Our algorithm balances the energy consumption among islands through re-binding to functional units. By allocating some new additional functional units to vacant areas on islands, our algorithm further balances the energy consumption among islands and thus reduces the peak temperature. Experimental results demonstrate that our algorithm reduces the peak temperature by up to 9.1% compared with the conventional approach.
Recently, stochastic computing based on stochastic numbers attracts attention as an effective computation method, which realizes arithmetic operations by simple logic circuits with a tolerance of bit errors. When we input two or more identical values to a stochastic circuit, we require to duplicate a stochastic number. However, if bit streams of duplicated stochastic numbers are dependent on each other, their arithmetic operation results can be inaccurate. In this paper, we propose two stochastic number duplicators, called FSR and RRR. The stochastic numbers duplicated by the FSR and RRR duplicators have the equivalent values but have independent bit streams, effectively utilizing bit re-arrangement using randomized bit streams. Experimental evaluation results demonstrate that the RRR duplicator, in particular, obtains more accurate results even if a circuit has re-convergence paths, reducing the mean square errors by 20%-89% compared to a conventional stochastic number duplicator.
Modular multiplication is the most dominant arithmetic operation in elliptic curve cryptography (ECC), that is a type of public-key cryptography. Montgomery multiplier is commonly used to compute the modular multiplications and requires scalability because the bit length of operands varies depending on its security level. In addition, ECC is performed in GF(P) or GF(2n), and unified architecture for multipliers in GF(P) and GF(2n) is required. However, in previous works, changing frequency is necessary to deal with delay-time difference between GF(P) and GF(2n) multipliers because the critical path of the GF(P) multiplier is longer. This paper proposes unified dual-radix architecture for scalable Montgomery multiplications in GF(P) and GF(2n). This proposed architecture unifies four parallel radix-216 multipliers in GF(P) and a radix-264 multiplier in GF(2n) into a single unit. Applying lower radix to GF(P) multiplier shortens its critical path and makes it possible to compute the operands in the two fields using the same multiplier at the same frequency so that clock dividers to deal with the delay-time difference are not required. Moreover, parallel architecture in GF(P) reduces the clock cycles increased by dual-radix approach. Consequently, the proposed architecture achieves to compute a GF(P) 256-bit Montgomery multiplication in 0.28 µs. The implementation result shows that the area of the proposal is almost the same as that of previous works: 39 kgates.
Reseeding technique is proposed to improve the fault coverage in pseudo-random testing. However most of previous works on reseeding is based on storing the seeds in an external tester or in a ROM. In this paper we present a built-in reseeding technique for LFSR-based test pattern generation. The proposed structure can run both in pseudorandom mode and in reseeding mode. Besides, our method requires no storage for the seeds since in reseeding mode the seeds can be generated automatically in hardware. In this paper we also propose an efficient grouping algorithm based on simulated annealing to optimize test vector grouping. Experimental results for benchmark circuits indicate the superiority of our technique against other reseeding methods with respect to test length and area overhead. Moreover, since the theoretical properties of LFSRs are preserved, our method could be beneficially used in conjunction with any other techniques proposed so far.
This paper proposes a fast depth-constrained technology mapping algorithm for logic-blocks composed of tree-structured lookup tables. First, we propose a technology mapping algorithm which minimizes the number of logic-blocks if an input Boolean network is a tree. Second, we propose a technology mapping algorithm which minimizes logic depth for any input Boolean network. Finally, we combine those two technology mapping algorithms and propose an algorithm which realizes technology mapping whose depth is bounded by a given upper bound dc. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed algorithm.